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2600 Wallpaper


16:9 Widescreen, HD (129 kb)

<-- Click to download





4:3 Standard Def (55.6 kb)

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Plugmouth Wallpaper

16:9 Widescreen, HD (126 kb)

<-- Click to download






4:3 Standard Def (40.6 kb)

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Other Downloads

Ruler of Everything (Live Rehearsal) (1:10, 2.2 mb)

Live rehearsal for the ruler of everything cover, played on 3 keyboards simultaneously.

Space Oddity (Instrumental Cover) (1:37, 1.4 mb)

Instrumental cover of the David Bowie song, made as a project in late 2022 that never went anywhere.

the_real_human_host.mp3 (0:06, 198 kb)

The origin of the song title, a C64 SAM recording made in 2017.

Tech Talk with Steven Grundell (Partial VHS rip) (0:16, 1.1 mb)

Partial VHS rip of the Tech Talk segment from Superphilm 4.

Adv. Deconstruction of Classical Musical Theory (VHS rip) (2:35, 6.3 mb)

VHS rip of the Marvin Rubdown music theory video.

  88x31 Button (2.3 kb)

88x31 Button for your personal website!

Superphone Holiday Card 2023 (1 mb)

Seasons Greasons!


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